Sunday, December 4, 2022





Two beautiful Shiba Inu dogs of white an red fur color are playing in the snow!
SHIBA INU- no, it is not a popular and fast-growing crypto, nor it's not a JAPANESE AKITA (AKITA INU), otherwise it's a larger version and a close cousin. This is about a little lion heart DOG, beautiful SHIBA INU. This little fox-like beauty is the smallest of a total of 6 purebred, national Japanese BREEDS (AKITA, KISHU KEN, KAI KEN, SHIKOKU, HOKKAIDO) and as such is the most beloved PET in Japan. There are beliefs that the ancestors of SHIBA are CHOW-CHOW and SHAR PEI. SHIBA INU is an ancient Japanese BREED, known as far back as 300 BC exclusively as a hunting DOG, used to hunt: birds, and small wild animals, but also deer and wild boar. Precisely because of its hunting abilities, it gained immense popularity in Japan and subsequently in Europe. Now, in modern times, she is an irresistible DOG companion, which almost everyone will want for a PET. Their natural environment was the mountain ranges of Japan above the sea, and the Japanese describe them as small and fearless DOGS of good nature. By the way, the word SHIBA in Japanese means small, while INU means DOG, hence the name of this BREED, since it is a SMALL DOG. This beautiful BREED was almost completely extinct in the Second World War, and what little was left was bred according to special breeding programs to save the BREED. This program includes two types of SHIBA DOGS. THE DOGS of stronger built-in mountainous areas and the thinner ones are from other parts of Japan. These differences are also visible in today's litter. SHIBA INU was officially recognized as a special BREED OF DOGS in 1936, and it gained international recognition in 1964, with the recognition of the International Cynological Federation. In the United States, SHIBA arrived in 1954, and only in 1993, the American Kennel Club officially recognized it as a BREED. The interesting thing about SHIBA INA'S BREED is that she is the "queen of drama" because of her distinctive scream. SHIBA will scream in case to make it clear to you that she is feeling: pain, anxiety, or discomfort. These are mostly cases: of visiting the vet, cutting nails, and even bathing. Therefore, the socialization of DOGS is very important from an early age, in order to avoid these problems in adulthood. If you opt for SHIBA INA as a PET, keep in mind that it is a very willful DOG, so it is often compared to CATS because of this feature.


  •  They belong to the group SMALL DOGS
  •  Weight: up to 8 kg females, up to 12 kg males
  •  Height: 36.5 cm, females 39.5 cm males
  •  Lifespan: 12-16 years

SHIBA INU is a SPITZ type of DOG because it has: pointed ears, curled tail, and thick hair, which is a feature of other SPITZ DOGS. It's a LITTLE DOG, like a fox. He is quite muscular and has a developed body with a broad back and corpulent paws. As I have already pointed out, SHIBA’s tail is curled, and the ears are pointed and triangular. The head is broad and the eyes squint in the shape of an almond, mostly brown in color. SHIBA INU has a specific fur because it grows in 3 layers. The first layer of fur is the longest and roughest, then comes the shorter, but softer and denser fur (undercoat) and the third layer is the softest, like a fine coating. Fur colors are orange-red, red sesame (red with black protective hair), yellow-brown (ocher), black, urajiro (cream to white). The fur may have white parts on the front and back legs and on the top of the tail. If you opt for SHIBA INA PUPPIES, it is recommended that it is not in white or cream, because these colors are not considered the best option for a purebred BREED.


It is not said in vain that SHIBA INU is a DOG with a personality. Namely, it is quite a confident, intelligent, stubborn, and independent BREED OF DOG. They are very cautious, fearless, and sharp, and at the same time sociable, charming, and loyal. About their intelligence, the fact where he did something wrong, or if he doesn't like something, speaks the most. He will then resort to various tricks (sad whining), to soften the owner and avoid punishment. Although due to intelligence they can quickly adapt to different and new situations, and learn new things, sometimes they are difficult to train due to their stubbornness. There is a possibility that during training they refuse obedience and escape into the unknown, so they need to be convinced that training is their idea. Therefore, it is important to start with training and socialization from an early age. Due to the large amount of energy they possess, these DOGS require physical activity, and it is necessary to walk and run them every day. It is important to point out that they should be kept on a leash all this time, because of their hunting instinct and curiosity. SHIBA INU is a DOG that tolerates loneliness well, so it will easily adapt to life in a house or apartment. But as they love to play and explore, and tend to bark, a family house with a large, fenced yard is still a better option for them. This BREED is known to be very possessive because they like to guard their territory, toys, and food. This problem is successfully solved by socialization. And socialization will also solve the issue of intolerance towards other DOGS, especially towards members of the same sex. These DOGS are real family dogs and get along well with children and domestic CATS. They are said to be the DOGS of Japanese emperors and nobles because they approach everything they do with dignity.


SHIBA INU are by nature very neat DOGS and without the smell characteristic of certain BREEDS. They, just like CATS, resort to self-cleaning. As they have three-layered, thick fur, they shed a lot, especially during the shedding season (in spring and autumn). Therefore, regular fur care in the form of brushing and combing is required. DOG should be combed with a brush with sparse metal teeth. Also, to remove dirt and dead hair, blow-drying is recommended, while frequent bathing should be avoided as it dries the skin and hair. So, bathe your SHIBA only as needed — every 3-4 months! In addition to fur maintenance, it is necessary to trim nails regularly. But when performing that action, I advise you to be careful, because this DOG doesn't really like it. That is why it is necessary to get used to it while he is a PUPPY, in order to avoid problems in adulthood. Maintaining a healthy oral cavity for your PET, you will ensure by brushing his teeth and gums several times a week. You will prevent ear infections by cleaning with a cotton ball soaked in a pH-neutral ear cleaner and removing wax from the ears. In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to regularly inspect the paws, in order to avoid damage and scratches. In that case, they need to be treated with some disinfectant.



DOG needs to be fed at least twice a day, and the diet must be nutritionally valuable and balanced. Also, the DOG needs to be provided with access to water. SHIBA INU is not a very picky DOG, so you can feed it with special food or natural products. If you have opted for a natural diet (raw lean meat, prepared cereals, boneless sea fish, fruits, and vegetables), then enrich it with a complex of vitamins and minerals, and the veterinarian must determine and compile a menu, so as not to impair the health of your PET. You will not go wrong if you mix one teaspoon of vegetable oil in a bowl of porridge. Some members of this BREED may be prone to obesity, so care should be taken to consume calories. Be sure to limit the giving of sweets, because they also encourage obesity. Whether your PET is obese or not, you can check by simply touching his ribs and spine. If you don’t see them but feel them, everything is fine and you can breathe a sigh of relief. In order for your DOG to be and remain in ideal body shape, it is very important to conduct regular physical examinations and feed it properly as recommended by experts.


SHIBA INU is generally a healthy BREED OF DOG. But, as with others, so with this BREED, certain health problems are possible. SHIBA INU is characterized by hereditary eye problems (glaucoma-increased intraocular pressure primary or secondary, progressive retinal atrophy), allergies (food allergy, contact allergy, and inhalation allergy), kilothorax (accumulation of fluid in the chest cavity), epilepsy, cancer, patellar luxation (slipping of the knee joint outside its position caused by knee pain), hip dysplasia and hypothyroidism (thyroid disorder). I will not describe certain diseases here, but I will instruct you to contact our associate on the blog-doctor of veterinary medicine, Sanela Samec-Komljenovic, in the comments below the post. To ensure the health of your PET, it is necessary to perform the recommended health tests: assessment by an ophthalmologist, assessment of hip dysplasia, and assessment of the patella. It is necessary to monitor the health of your PET and if notice any changes, do not resort to self-medication but consult your veterinarian !!

If you too want to enrich your family and your home with a new member in the form of this wonderful DOG, dedicate enough time and attention to it and engage in its upbringing! He will reciprocate with kindness and faithfulness, just like a true friend.

"We take care of our pets as for ourselves."

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