"" WORLD OF CATS AND DOGS: February 2023

Tuesday, February 28, 2023




As we know, CATS are ANIMALS with character and do only what they want, they do not tolerate any changes and they like routine. They are often jealous. What is the mutual coexistence of multiple CATS in a home? We will deal with this topic in this text. 

The relationship between two or more CATS depends on their first meeting. Getting to know each other can be very demanding. If they get to know each other in the right way, it will affect their further relationship, which in that case can become even friendly. 
Any aggressiveness should not be tolerated, as it could mark their future relationship. CATS that have grown up with several CATS will accept a newcomer more quickly than a CAT that is used to being the only one. 

Aggressive, sick, non-sterilized, visually impaired, and deaf CATS will also show displeasure upon introduction. The direction in which their future relationship will develop largely depends on the individual character of each individual CAT. So, for example, if it is about dominant CATS, it is very likely that there will be a conflict over shared resources or the owner's attention. 

The best prospects for adaptation are
1. KITTENS peers and young CATS of the same age, because they will learn and communicate with each other through play, 
2. KITTENS and adult females, because of the maternal instinct. Moreover, they will teach them a lot. 
3. Adult males, if they are friendly towards other PETS

Acquaintance must not be stressful and must take place under supervision, in order to avoid possible conflicts over territory, food, toys, etc., and CATS themselves will establish a social hierarchy in the group. Just before the introduction, it is recommended to take the "newcomer" to the vet, to avoid the possibility of infecting other CATS and other PETS, if you have them. 

Keep in mind that you must provide adequate living space for a large number of CATS. 10 square meters per CAT is recommended. If you live in a house, it would be preferable to have a fenced area around it for CATS to live in the summer months.
Here are some tips from my own experience and on the recommendation of a veterinarian for a successful CO-EXISTENCE OF MULTIPLE CATS IN A HOME, which will enable you to support the newcomer, but also not to neglect your current PETS.
  • Upon the arrival of a new CAT or KITTEN in the house, isolate it from other PETS, and gradually introduce them to them and their new living environment. Let your new PET gradually explore the house or apartment by leaving it in each room for a short time.
  • Accustom the newcomer to her own space.
  • Provide the security of the territory to the previous PETS (let them feel safe in their territory) and continue to pay them enough attention, and respect the privileges that they had before the arrival of the new CAT. Give equal attention to both old and new PETS and do not encourage their rivalry. This would mean if you are petting one of them on your lap, and the other is sitting next to you, take the other CAT on your lap and pet them together. In the event that one chases the other away from your lap, stop petting both CATS, and remove the aggressor from the lap. This will prevent one CAT from getting more attention than the other, which is very important for them because they want the same attention.
  • Get the CATS used to each other's scents. A good way to do this is to give toys to the newcomer or give the cot to the old PET and vice versa. Also, you can rub the new CAT with some cloth, and then give that cloth to the current PET. In addition, it is recommended to change the rooms in which they stay. And, if you want to speed up the process of getting to know each other CATS through smell, simply buy a spray with synthetic pheromones and continue to follow the instructions on it.
  • Try to feed all your CATS together, i.e. in the same room, but each one must eat from its own bowl, which must be close to each other. If they resent it, be patient, because they will get used to it in time.
  • Encourage them to play together or cuddle. In case of aggressiveness of one of them, stop the activity that you noticed that she enjoys. This will make them realize that it is unprofitable to be aggressive.
  • Reward any positive behavior of your PET with a TREAT, and ignore bad behavior.
  • Provide each PET with privacy, i.e. a space where they will feel safe and comfortable, a special bowl for food and water, a special sandbox, toys, etc. Later they will exchange all these things, but in the beginning, privacy is very important.
The mutual coexistence of our CATS largely depends on us, their owners. We cannot encourage them to love and accept each other, but we can provide them with all the essential factors that will create a positive environment and thereby encourage them to adapt and live well with others.

 "We take care of our pets as for ourselves."

Thursday, February 23, 2023



Today I will try to explain to you a very interesting topic, and it is about why cats bite and how to prevent it.

If you are the owner of these wonderful creatures, you probably had, or still have, the unpleasant experience of your PET biting and sometimes scratching you. And it's not light nibbling while petting, but real bites of a small tiger - until the blood starts to flow. As I own a few CATS and I have such experiences myself. Especially since the new cat, our little Leo, came into the house.

Leo does not nibble lightly, but bites and scratches like a real tiger. Since everything I did not give long-term results (except for the current one), I decided to research a little and thus help myself, but also all of you who have similar problems. 

So in this text, I will try to bring you closer to why CATS bite so that we can prevent this in a timely manner. What should first be known to avoid and prevent such CAT behaviors, is that they are specific creatures with a very pronounced personality and will only do what suits them at a day, while the DOGS will do what the owner is asking them. 
The scratching and biting of everything that comes under the PAW, and so does the hand and legs of the owner, are entirely natural for a one-month KITTEN

They start with the game, from 3 or 4 weeks of age, to acquire skills for survival. As a rule, the KITTEN should not be separated from the mother until it is 3 months old because she teaches it through the game with all the skills needed. 
He will learn how to capture the prey, but also certain social behavior in accordance with the hierarchical position in the group. If he is separated from his mother before the age of 3 months, he will have to learn it with the help of the owner. 

Other CATS in the house, the owner himself or some TOY, replace the KITTEN in the game if he does not have his peers for the same. Given the KITTENS are very intelligent, they will soon understand what they can and what not. Changes in behavior, are observed around the 14th week, and around the 18th week, following before puberty and the KITTEN becomes more serious, grows up, and stops intense play. But by growing up, the game does not stop (only weakens intensity), because it entertains if it is a home CAT. 
The game maintains the skills necessary for hunting if it is a CAT that goes out. In case there are no other CATS near it, they will find a replacement for the game in the owner or some toys. In order to understand why CATS bite and how to prevent it, we need to detect the cause of such behavior.

By exploring this topic, I detected 6 basic reasons why CATS bite:

I have already emphasized that CATS have a specific personality. They are animals with character. Her character is written in her genetic code and that's how she will behave. Genetics, as we know, is inherited. Therefore, if she has inherited such behavior, she will be like this all her life. Of course, with certain socialization and upbringing, this can be corrected, because we definitely don't want a lion in our home.

As I said before, KITTENS are very playful and curious, because that's how they learn. They are not at all aware of their actions, nor how strong their bite can be. That is why it is good for them to have a peer or an older CAT in their environment from whom they can learn survival skills.

If you haven't changed the water, or the sand, if you haven't fed it at the usual time, it can also encourage your PET to bite you.

To a large extent, CATS like to imitate their owner, whether he is happy, sad, calm, or nervous, so they will react accordingly. If the owner is neurotic or tends to raise his voice towards her, the CAT will retaliate in a similar way to protect herself, especially when it comes to an aggressive CAT.

A CAT does only what it wants and when it wants. If, for example, she doesn't want to play or cuddle when the owner wants it, it is quite possible that she will react by biting or hitting and scratching the rear paws (BUNNY HOP).

The CAT is a "slave" to habits and routines and does not like any changes. The arrival of a new animal in the house, changes in the house, moving... All this represents great stress for her, which she will express by biting or scratching, among other things. In addition, some CATS are jealous, so this can also be the reason for her aggressive behavior.

These are the possible basic reasons why your PET will bite or scratch. However, this can be corrected with good socialization and training. Here are some tips, on how.
  • Devote yourself to your CAT, give her more attention, play more, and cuddle with her! Sometimes attention is exactly what she wants from you.
  • Don't let her play with your fingers, hands, or feet!
  • If she pulls out her nails or bites you start blowing and hissing, just like her mom CAT would do. Do not overdo it by any means, rather stop cuddling or playing, or simply get away from it. If it won't stop even then, try shouting at the KITTEN in a high-pitched tone. Do not do this with an adult CAT, as this can further encourage aggression. Try to address her in a calmer and gentler tone.
  • Reward her with a TREAT or TOY and be sure to praise her when she doesn't use her claws.
  • Place a STUFFED TOY on her, when you see that she intends to bite you.
  • If the CAT does not stop biting and scratching, try locking it in another room for a few minutes so that it realizes that it has overdone it. I do this by closing my KITTEN Leo in the transporter until he "cools off". And after that everything is fine, what's more, when I let him out of the transporter, he purrs, caresses, and cuddles.
And finally, what I want to point out: "Never physically punish your CAT!" Doing so will only cause a counter-effect because it will hit you back. If these tips did not help you, and your CAT continues to bite or scratch you, be sure to seek the advice of a veterinarian, in order to avoid unwanted consequences because a CAT BITE is both unpleasant and dangerous.

 "We take care of our pets as for ourselves."

Tuesday, February 21, 2023



These days, the eyes of the whole world are focused on Turkey and Syria, because of the devastating earthquake that hit these two countries, which I myself witnessed 3 years ago because it also hit my country - Croatia. Today I will try to bring you a little closer to the topic of silent heroes and tell you the most important facts about search and rescue dogs.

Along with search teams, SEARCH, AND RESCUE DOGS also play an important role in finding victims and missing people. The DOG, that best four-legged friend of man, has been bound by unbreakable bonds with man since ancient times, and this time justified that epithet, indicating that cooperation between the DOG and man is indispensable in these circumstances because the DOG goes where humans cannot. 

They are indispensable in rescue operations because they have a better sense of smell, sight, and hearing than humans. SEARCH AND RESCUE DOGS even have their own day, which is the last Sunday in April
Namely, the International umbrella organization for the work of SEARCH, AND RESCUE DOGS - IRO (International Search and Rescue Dogs Organization) declared, back in 2008, that it would be the International Day of SEARCH AND RESCUE DOGS
We know more or less a lot about the actions of these DOGS from the media, which have been "bombarding" us with this news for the last few days. But have you ever wondered, which are the BREEDS OF DOGS from which the best SEARCH AND RESCUE DOGS come and what kind of training they have to go through to deserve this title?

While researching this topic, I found out that a SEARCH DOG can be almost any DOG that successfully passes: regular, fitness, and commission training. However, experience has shown that preference is given to THESE BREEDS:

That these DOGS are invaluable in the field is also shown by the fact that in just 20 minutes they can search an area of about 1000 square meters and replace up to 20 people. When they find the victims, they report it by barking for 2-3 minutes, until medical help or a guide arrives. They do not react to people in motion, but only to stationary persons. 
After that barking, the second DOG is released, and if it also starts barking, the rescuers come and look for the victims. 
So, the second DOG confirms what his predecessor found and thus knows for sure that they have found someone and starts with the rescue. Their work is all-day and shift work. Each shift lasts 20 minutes, followed by a 40-minute break. 

Although the all-day search looks tiring, these DOGS don't, because after every victim is found, there is a reward in the form of a DOG TREAT or TOY. That's why these DOGS like to look for people, what's more, they have fun doing it. SEARCH DOGS must know how to navigate any type of terrain: in the forest, in inaccessible places, in ruins. 

Therefore, their TRAINING is not always done in the same place, or even in the same country. The training can be started already when the dog reaches 2 months of age. Before joining the SEARCH AND RESCUE DOG training, the DOG must pass certain tests, which determine that the DOG is not aggressive and that it is capable and motivated to function in a team. Only after that is the access to the SEARCH DOG course, which includes: a course in obedience, socialization, and education, both at the basic and advanced levels. 

In addition to the DOG, the guide also undergoes training, where he is educated about providing first aid to people and DOGS and possible existing dangers. 
After that, there is an exam for a RESCUE DOG handler, which means that only then can he take his DOG to the DOGS exams. If the DOG passes all the tests, it becomes a SEARCH AND RESCUE DOG, i.e. a RESCUE DOG. The DOG training itself lasts from 2 to 2.5 years, and only with 4 years of constant work and training, it can be said that these DOGS become "masters of their craft" when they retire at around 10 years old. 

In addition to all that, it is important to emphasize that the TRAINING of these DOGS is based on play and a reward system, because this is how they learn to cooperate. 

Let's also say that in addition to SEARCH DOGS, there are also SEARCH CATS that have been talked about on social networks, and which, I believe, will come to the fore even more in the future, because they certainly deserve it. 

And finally, let's mention PROTEO - GERMAN SHEPHERD, RESCUE DOG from the Mexican team, who left his life under the ruins of a building in Kahramanmaras, rescuing the victims, and who was declared a hero by the Mexican Ministry of Defense. RIP and my deep bow, dear PROTEO!

Thank you for visiting our BLOG!!! If you liked this story about SEARCH AND RESCUE DOGS or it was useful to you, share it further with your friends !!!

                            "We take care of our pets as for ourselves."

Sunday, February 19, 2023




Today I will try to give you an answer to the eternal question do we choose cats or do cats choose us? So let's begin with our journey a little more in the past.

We have known since ancient times that CATS are spiritual ANIMALS. The ancient Egyptians still worshiped them and gave them the significance of divinity, and anyone who killed a CAT, intentionally or accidentally, would be executed. You had the opportunity to read about it in this blog post about ancient Egyptian mythology and CATS. 

History tells us that CATS have always been associated with humans and were often portrayed as human equals. Due to their intuition and psychic powers, they were used in various rituals. They have attributed the epithet of spiritual ANIMALS and symbols of high energy, which is why they were often persecuted in the Middle Ages. CATS use their spirituality and intuition when choosing their owners. So it's the CATS who choose us, not us them because they almost always select people with an energy similar to theirs, that of a cat. This is precisely what we humans do.

CATS are generally considered wise animals. This is, among other things, because they have the ability to constantly maintain a high level of energy, so if you are the owner of these beautiful creatures, it will probably affect your higher level of energy and new leadership in your life. I already talked about the benefits that CATS do to people in one of the posts on this blog : 

I will just emphasize that there are countless cases in which people react negatively to therapists, and for the sake of good mental health, CATS are recommended to them (CATS, among other things, reduce stress). CATS are also associated with legends. 

Some of them state that you will have long-term bad luck in the field of finance if the cat turns her back on you, or you reject it when it comes to you... 

However, these are just legends that most of us do not believe in, but we like to listen to them like fairy tales, which our grandmothers would tell us in our childhood. The fact is that there are numerous professional studies conducted, on why CATS are more inclined toward some people, while others dislike them and avoid them widely. 
The conclusion was drawn from them, that CATS choose "their people", only if they deserve it, while, for example, DOGS will adapt to their owner. I can confirm this from my own experience. Namely, during my life, I had and still have CATS. They somehow always came to me. 

The latest such experience is precisely our little angel, the kitten Leo, who chose our car in order to hide from the cold in the run-up to Christmas and thus brighten up our Christmas:

I questioned myself for a long time, why ME? And then I realized that it was the previously mentioned energy that connected us, just as my little one and my other CATS radiate similar energy.

   "We take care of our pets as for ourselves."

Thursday, February 16, 2023



Do you ever wonder what is the music influence on cats' and dogs' health, as it affects your own health? It has been scientifically proven that it helps to reduce stress and pain, but it is also suitable for stroke recovery. But what about the influence of music on our PETS?

With this story, I also announce a new column: MUSIC FOR CATS AND DOGS, which you will be able to follow on this blog from now on.

Compared to humans, whose hearing detects around 20 thousand Hz, CATS can hear sound up to 50 thousand Hz, which means that they have better hearing than DOGS. As we know, the CAT hunts by listening, because this is how it detects the sounds of potential prey, especially rodents, which are its favorites. Since rodents produce high frequencies, these are exactly the ones that the CAT will recognize sooner than the lower ones. These are also the frequencies on which they communicate. It is important to point out that the music that people listen to is not suitable for CATS and DOGS, and even bothers them. 
This is because their hearing is different from ours, human. CATS will usually let you know if they don't like a sound (e.g. the sound of a vacuum cleaner, TV, or mixer...). Fortunately, they like some sounds, listen to them, and enjoy them, because they calm them down. 
Here are those sounds: 

  • spilling food into a bowl 
  • opening a can
  • opening a door
  • woodwind music 
  • rustling
  • the sound of frying
  • squeaky toys
  • doorbells
  • chirping birds
It is evident from the above that it is actually ambient noise, so music was created, based on exactly that and on the usual cat vocalizations (purring, meowing...), to encourage their natural reactions and relaxation. Just to relax and reduce stress, it has been observed that CATS benefit from classical music.

Just like CATS, DOGS relax best with classical music. Especially, when they are scared, while heavy metal proved to be completely unsuitable for DOGS. Classical music reduces their stress and lifts their mood, and is responsible for better quality sleep of DOG
Music therapy is gaining more and more momentum in the world because it really helps. As DOGS can hear up to 45 thousand Hz, this should be taken into account when choosing music for DOGS

In addition, the tempo, type of music, and volume are also important factors in this type of therapy. When we talk about tempo, the emphasis is on an easier and slower tempo without sudden changes. While with the type of music, classical is proven to be the best, and a quiet sound will give the best results.

Music therapy for DOGS will come into play the most when you want to calm your DOG because he is afraid of thunder, fireworks, firecrackers, or everything in general. And it will certainly help with depression, anxiety, inability to sleep, or the barking of a DOG
According to some experts, relaxing and soporific music for DOGS has a relaxing effect on the owner of DOGS as well. This is because DOGS can detect our state of mind and emotions, so such music will give the best results.

Music therapy can also be a substitute for classical therapy with pills. However, not all DOGS react the same. Some will have a great reaction, while others will have no reaction, or will have a weaker effect. That's why it's best to decide for yourself and in consultation with a veterinarian what is most effective for your PET.

                              "We take care of our pets as for ourselves."



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