Tuesday, February 21, 2023



These days, the eyes of the whole world are focused on Turkey and Syria, because of the devastating earthquake that hit these two countries, which I myself witnessed 3 years ago because it also hit my country - Croatia. Today I will try to bring you a little closer to the topic of silent heroes and tell you the most important facts about search and rescue dogs.

Along with search teams, SEARCH, AND RESCUE DOGS also play an important role in finding victims and missing people. The DOG, that best four-legged friend of man, has been bound by unbreakable bonds with man since ancient times, and this time justified that epithet, indicating that cooperation between the DOG and man is indispensable in these circumstances because the DOG goes where humans cannot. 

They are indispensable in rescue operations because they have a better sense of smell, sight, and hearing than humans. SEARCH AND RESCUE DOGS even have their own day, which is the last Sunday in April
Namely, the International umbrella organization for the work of SEARCH, AND RESCUE DOGS - IRO (International Search and Rescue Dogs Organization) declared, back in 2008, that it would be the International Day of SEARCH AND RESCUE DOGS
We know more or less a lot about the actions of these DOGS from the media, which have been "bombarding" us with this news for the last few days. But have you ever wondered, which are the BREEDS OF DOGS from which the best SEARCH AND RESCUE DOGS come and what kind of training they have to go through to deserve this title?

While researching this topic, I found out that a SEARCH DOG can be almost any DOG that successfully passes: regular, fitness, and commission training. However, experience has shown that preference is given to THESE BREEDS:

That these DOGS are invaluable in the field is also shown by the fact that in just 20 minutes they can search an area of about 1000 square meters and replace up to 20 people. When they find the victims, they report it by barking for 2-3 minutes, until medical help or a guide arrives. They do not react to people in motion, but only to stationary persons. 
After that barking, the second DOG is released, and if it also starts barking, the rescuers come and look for the victims. 
So, the second DOG confirms what his predecessor found and thus knows for sure that they have found someone and starts with the rescue. Their work is all-day and shift work. Each shift lasts 20 minutes, followed by a 40-minute break. 

Although the all-day search looks tiring, these DOGS don't, because after every victim is found, there is a reward in the form of a DOG TREAT or TOY. That's why these DOGS like to look for people, what's more, they have fun doing it. SEARCH DOGS must know how to navigate any type of terrain: in the forest, in inaccessible places, in ruins. 

Therefore, their TRAINING is not always done in the same place, or even in the same country. The training can be started already when the dog reaches 2 months of age. Before joining the SEARCH AND RESCUE DOG training, the DOG must pass certain tests, which determine that the DOG is not aggressive and that it is capable and motivated to function in a team. Only after that is the access to the SEARCH DOG course, which includes: a course in obedience, socialization, and education, both at the basic and advanced levels. 

In addition to the DOG, the guide also undergoes training, where he is educated about providing first aid to people and DOGS and possible existing dangers. 
After that, there is an exam for a RESCUE DOG handler, which means that only then can he take his DOG to the DOGS exams. If the DOG passes all the tests, it becomes a SEARCH AND RESCUE DOG, i.e. a RESCUE DOG. The DOG training itself lasts from 2 to 2.5 years, and only with 4 years of constant work and training, it can be said that these DOGS become "masters of their craft" when they retire at around 10 years old. 

In addition to all that, it is important to emphasize that the TRAINING of these DOGS is based on play and a reward system, because this is how they learn to cooperate. 

Let's also say that in addition to SEARCH DOGS, there are also SEARCH CATS that have been talked about on social networks, and which, I believe, will come to the fore even more in the future, because they certainly deserve it. 

And finally, let's mention PROTEO - GERMAN SHEPHERD, RESCUE DOG from the Mexican team, who left his life under the ruins of a building in Kahramanmaras, rescuing the victims, and who was declared a hero by the Mexican Ministry of Defense. RIP and my deep bow, dear PROTEO!

Thank you for visiting our BLOG!!! If you liked this story about SEARCH AND RESCUE DOGS or it was useful to you, share it further with your friends !!!

                            "We take care of our pets as for ourselves."


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