Showing posts with label Cats & Dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cats & Dogs. Show all posts

Sunday, March 3, 2024


Cats and Dogs are Hugging Themselves in the middle of the ruins After Predicting an Earthquake.



Images of the recent earthquake in Turkey and Syria are still vivid. For some of you, it is much more, because you yourself have been victims. Nature sometimes surprises us with its cruelty, and a significant role in all of this belongs to man. 

He is the one who, with his irresponsible actions, largely influenced climatic changes, and thus most likely severe natural disasters such as earthquakes. 
Could this have been foreseen and thus avoided catastrophic consequences of an enormous degree? I leave it to the experts to deal with it in the future because this is a blog about CATS and DOGS after all. However, what I would like to point out with this introduction and what I will deal with in this post, is the possibility of predicting earthquakes by our PETS. So, the question is can pets predict an earthquake or not?

Pets and Their Ability to Sense Cataclysms:

That animal can sense cataclysms has been known since ancient times. Thus, for example, back in the 4th century BC (373 BC), ancient Greece was hit by a huge earthquake, where the entire city of Helikea, where the epicenter was, collapsed into the ground. Just two days before that unfortunate event, rats, snakes, worms, weasels, and centipedes left that city and found refuge elsewhere. 

A Dog That is All Scared is Standing Next to a Device That Predicts  Earthquakes

From recent history, there is a record of the earthquake near Naples in 1805, which talks about the unusual behavior of domestic animals immediately before the earthquake. So, for example, some DOGS will whine and bark "for no reason" before an earthquake, and if they are on the floor in a house or apartment, they will run outside barking. While others will hide among the furniture, stare blankly or seek protection in the lap of the owner, and some will not return to the house for some time after the earthquake, due to the closed space. 

Cats, Dogs, and Other Animals:

CATS, but also snakes, frogs, and fish, can also sense an earthquake. CATS get nervous before an earthquake because they react to sudden changes in the Earth's magnetic field due to their heightened senses. Namely, they can feel tremors, changes in temperature, the smell of stagnant water, and noise. CATS actually react to the increase in static electricity in the air that occurs just before an earthquake. 

Beautiful Little Black and White Kitten Standing in the Middle of the Ruins Caused by a Great Natural Disaster

It is believed that a CAT predicted the earthquake in Albania in 2019, because a surveillance camera recorded its agitated behavior, just before the earthquake. And that video went around the world and became viral. 

Chickens literally go crazy before an earthquake (clucking in panic, flapping their wings, they behave as if some predator attacked the chicken coop), and during and after the earthquake they become even crazier. These are the words of the author Tributsch, who studied the ability of animals to predict earthquakes and published this in his book "Omens of Earthquakes". In it, he analyzed as many as 78 collected descriptions of unusual animal behavior around the globe. Thus, he states that "aquatic animals", such as crocodiles and frogs, are particularly sensitive to earthquakes, affecting them more than other animals. 

Scientific Evidence and Opinions:

There is a whole range of opinions on this topic, and scientists in Japan have been dealing with it for the last few years, which is understandable if we take into account that Japan is located in a seismic area. Earthquakes are an almost frequent occurrence there.


My humble opinion on this topic is that our PETS and animals in general can sense and therefore predict cataclysms. Moreover, there is more recent scientific evidence about this, that is, evidence from the age of developed seismology, and it cannot be said that it is just empty speculation or superstition. I leave it up to you to decide for yourself whether it is superstition or scientific truth.

 "We take care of our pets as for ourselves."

Tuesday, April 25, 2023



Many of us read social chronicles and like to peek into the private lives of celebrities from time to time, so of course I do too. We are all only human and we are interested in the lives of the rich and famous. 

But what I am particularly interested in are the PETS of celebrities. Are they really PETS, or just fashion accessories to show off in public? I want to find out which celebrities have PETS, especially CATS and DOGS, and what exotic species we can see in their homes.
Nicholas Cage, Cameron Diaz, Karl Lagerfeld, Kim Kardashian, George Clooney, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Nicole Kidman, as well as Mike Tyson and Melanie Griffith, are just some of the well-known names and passionate animal lovers. 

Some of them have exotic animals as PETS that it borders on the bizarre. So at one time, Melanie Griffith's parents kept a real, 200 kg LION as a PET, and the famous former boxer Mike Tyson is the owner of even 3 BENGAL TIGERS (Kenya, Storm, and Boris). Unfortunately, or fortunately, TIGERS no longer live at the Tysons' house, because one of them tried to eat the DOG next door. 

But they are not the only ones. Many world-famous "stars" keep exotic and unusual animals for PETS

So, for example, movie "strongman" Arnold Schwarzenegger keeps 2 donkeys in his home, an irresistible charmer and seducer, George Clooney had a Vietnamese pig named Farewell Max in his villa for 13 years. He even shared a bedroom with him. 
Nicole Kidman keeps her PETS alpacas on a ranch of 111 hectares near Sydney. 
And the late American actress Kirstie Alley had as many as 14 lemurs in her home. She explained that in Los Angeles, the climate is similar to that of Madagascar, the island state in the Indian Ocean from which these lovely creatures originate. 
We must not leave out Bubble the chimpanzee who lived in Neverland with his famous owner, the late Michael Jackson, and Justin Bieber's monkey, which was infamously taken from him in Germany at the Munich airport when he intended to take it with him on tour. And on top of that, he still had to pay a hefty sum to the shelter that took in the little monkey. We learn that he still lives in a zoo in Germany. 

In this sea of bizarre or at least exotic PETS, we must certainly mention the veritable treasure trove of reptiles of Guns 'N Roses guitarist Slash, who at one time had several hundred: snakes, lizards, and even crocodiles. 
However, chickens are an absolute hit among celebrities. The leader here in this is Jennifer Garner, whose PET Regina George died in 2018. 
Among the big fans of chickens are Kylie Jenner (star of the reality show "Keeping up with Kardashians"), actress and singer Hilary Duff, and tennis star Serena Williams

However, the most famous "world chicken coop" is the one owned by the Duke of Sussex - Prince Harry, and his better half, Meghan Markle.

Despite everything exotic and bizarre, as I have already emphasized, I am most interested in CATS and DOGS. While researching, I found out that they are big fans of CATS: Nicholas Cage, who, in addition to two CATS (Merlin and Tiger) also has 2 albino king cobras, an octopus, and 2 crows. And among the biggest "CAT LOVERS", it is certainly worth mentioning the late Karl Lagerfeld and his beloved BURMESE CAT Choupette, who was taken over by his former housekeeper Francoise Cacote after his death. 

Passionate fans of CATS are also: Cameron Diaz, Salma Hayek, Martha Stewart, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Ian Somerhalder, Ricky Gervais, Ed Sheeran, Nicole Kidman, Jenna Fischer, Drew Berrymore, Robert Downey Jr., Russel Brand, Gigi Hadid, Mandy Moore, and many others

On the other hand, the Obama family with their PORTUGUESE WATER DOGS, Jennifer Aniston, Demi Moore, Justin and Hailey Bieber, Selena Gomez, Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, etc., are just some of the names that chose DOGS as their PETS.

Whether it's about the latest fashion trend or true animal lovers, decide for yourself. However, what I would like to point out is the fact that WILD ANIMALS have no place in a house or apartment because it is not their natural habitat. In addition, with their perhaps involuntarily aggressive behavior, they can injure someone.
Wild animals have never been, nor will they be PETS. Those in captivity will never be happy, and you who hold them will never be safe in your own home. So think carefully when you decide to "tame" large predators!

 "We take care of our pets as for ourselves."

Monday, December 5, 2022



I recently shared with you my personal story of a lifelong unbreakable friendship between a cat and a dog. That dogs and cats do not have to be "sworn enemies" is also shown by the fact that some breeds of cats get along very well with dogs. I will now address this in particular in this post. So, I’m going to talk about cat breeds that get along very well with dogs. If you are a lover of both and would like to have them in your home, it would be a good idea to check out cat breeds that are ideal for coexistence with dogs. So I will make it easy for you and list 10 of them.


It is characterized by a strong connection with family members of all ages and a great attachment to the owner, playfulness, and intelligence. In fact, she is more intelligent than other breeds of cats. She is also the sweetest of all cat breeds. She is an excellent pet and behaves a bit like a dog. She is very talkative, but also a little mysterious. She will also show her friendliness towards dogs. So it is no wonder that this beautiful cat with shiny hair and yellow eyes is number one when it comes to living with dogs.


This oriental long-haired beauty originates from the area of ​​present-day Iran and Turkey. It is a very smart and loyal cat, but also determined and stubborn. It is strongly connected with only one person - it would be said: "She chooses the owner". She is sociable, gets along well with other animals, including dogs, and does not tolerate loneliness. In addition to playing, she also loves swimming, as well as sitting on top of closets and doors. If you opt for this beautiful cat, you will never want to replace it with another breed.


It is one of the first breeds of cats to start living alongside humans. It originates from the African wild cat and was brought to Europe from Africa. It is an excellent hunter, but it is not aggressive, so it is ideal for keeping indoors. Her temperament is balanced and stable. She loves to play with people and dogs alike. She has a habit of always being with the owner, so don't be surprised if she follows you in the footsteps of whatever you do. In return, she asks for attention and cuddling. Therefore, if she misses it, she can very easily become depressed. With proper care and nursing, this beauty will adorn your life for another 20 years (that’s how long her life span is).


It originates from northern Europe, Scandinavia, and Great Britain, and originated from an ordinary domestic cat. She is extremely attached to the owners and suspicious of strangers. It coexists well with other breeds of cats and non-aggressive dogs (after getting to know them well). This is a very lively and intelligent breed of cat, and they are not prone to disease. They do not require special care. It is enough, just a little time for combing, cutting claws, and a few baths, for this cat to be flawless.


They are also called SACRED BIRMANS because according to legend they are considered the guardians of the souls of Buddhist priests.

The Burmese cat is recognizable by its white "socks" on its paws, distinctly blue eyes, and semi-long and shiny hair with dark parts (Colorpoint) on its head, ears, legs, and tail. They have an "angel" look, but also the same nature. They are real salon cats, but staying in the garden is a real challenge for them because, like all cats, they are curious and love to explore. Burmese cats are long-lived. Their average life expectancy is 15-17 years and they are not prone to diseases. By temperament, they are pretty calm, affectionate, and attached to their owners. They like to play, but they do it in moderation without too much chasing. They want to spend time napping in the owner's lap and are a great choice if you are also a dog owner.


This breed of cat is also called "SNOW-BOB" and "YANKEE-BOB". It is a relatively new breed of cat, created by a spontaneous gene mutation in The 1960s in America. It is recognizable by its very short tail. By the way, these are very shrewd and intelligent cats, which sometimes know how to alleviate the heated family atmosphere. They are very playful and have outstanding coordination of movements, and are even able to catch an object in flight. A good temperament allows them to get along with other pets, including dogs. Their character and kindness tell us that they are the right choice for families with children.


She is also called the "GENTLE GIANT", because of his size on the one hand and his gentle character on the other. They are similar in behavior to dogs, so they will get along well with them. They are very attached to the owner and often accompany him in daily affairs. They are sociable, so they prefer to eat in the company of other cats or humans. By no means they don't like to be alone. Therefore, if you already have a dog, and you are also planning to a cat, then "MAINE COON CAT" is the right choice for you.


This breed of cat has been around for thousands of years, but its breeding began in the 1930s. Her somewhat rugged appearance is the opposite of her character. It is an extremely cuddly and gentle cat that will get along well with other cats and dogs. They rarely meow, but they often purr.

The Norwegian Forest Cat is an excellent hunter and likes to climb high places, so it is advisable to stock up on high scratchers.

Because of its character, it will fit well into any family.


The Ragdoll is a relatively new breed of cat. It originated in California in the 1960s. They belong to one of the largest breeds of domestic cats. It is a very cuddly and "quiet" breed. She is very attached to her owners, so because of that, but also because of her intelligence, she is often compared to dogs. She is moderately playful, and her playing activity is limited to just a few minutes a day. But she likes to play lying on her back most of the time. It is adorned with a tolerant attitude toward other animals and children.


The Siberian cat is a very old, natural breed of cat native to Russia. This beautiful long-haired beauty is a lively, playful, affectionate, and intelligent pussy cat. Still, she is distrustful of strangers and does not like strangers in the house. She has a great relationship with children, other cats, and dogs and as such — is sociable, and does not tolerate loneliness. It gives a lot of love, and in return, it only asks for your attention.

                               "We take care of our pets as for ourselves."




That spring is just around the corner is also shown by pests — unwanted guests who crawl into the fur and skin of our pets, especially cats and dogs. The pests I want to talk about are, you guessed it-FLEA AND TICKS. These parasites do not lurk on our pets only in the spring, as we thought, but they are active all year round if there is no frost. Therefore, it is necessary to adequately protect a dog or cat through all seasons from these pests. By protecting them, we are actually protecting ourselves and our homes.

TICKS love warm and humid weather; your pet can pick them up anywhere in the outdoor environment (park, meadow, or lawn). Otherwise, these are parasites that live on the host: a human, or some other mammal (cat, dog, reptile, or bird) and can stay attached therefor days.

Only one individual can lay 3,000 to 22,000 eggs.

They feed on the blood of their host.

During feeding, the tick takes only nutrients from the blood and the rest is returned to the host, thus transmitting various dangerous diseases.

The most common diseases in DOGS caused by tick bites are:





Here I will focus exclusively on PYROPLASMOSIS.

PYROPLASMOSIS (DOG BABESIOSIS) is a deadly and as such the most dangerous disease that occurs in dogs but does not affect cats.

The disease manifests itself between 36 and 72 hours after the bite and the incubation lasts 5-7 days, or in some cases 10-21 days.

Therefore, pay attention to the following SYMPTOMS in your DOGS:

- high temperature and fever (40-41 degrees Celsius)

- vomiting

- constipation or diarrhea

- loss of appetite and refusal of food

- rapid breathing and heart rate

- change in urine color

- pale mucous membranes

- marked weakness and fatigue (helplessness, rapid fatigue, reluctance

  movement, depression, the disinterest of the animal)

Suppose you think that your pet has some of the above symptoms, and is infected with a tick. In that case, my warm advice is - VISIT A VETERINARY IMMEDIATELY AND WITHOUT DELAY, because a QUICK reaction is the MOST IMPORTANT in this disease. With timely therapy, you can save the LIFE of your pet.

Except for dogs, are the CATS immune to ticks? One of the diseases your cat can get from a tick and flea bite is HEMOBARTONELOSIS or CAT INFECTIOUS ANEMIA. This disease attacks the red blood cells of cats as well as dogs. In addition to being transmitted by a tick or flea bite, it is possible for kittens to become infected through breast milk if the cat is breastfeeding them.


- fever

- pale or yellowish mucosa

- weakness

- depression

- possibly enlarged spleen

Cats infected with feline leukemia (FeLV) and FIV (immunodeficiency syndrome) have a more severe form of HEMOBARTONELOSIS and the clinical picture of the disease depends on the immune status of the animal, the stage of the disease, and the severity of anemia. And in this case, timely therapy saves the life of your pet. It is important to emphasize that feline hemobartonelosis is NOT DANGEROUS TO HUMANS and that humans CANNOT become infected through their pets.

In addition to ticks, the fur and skin of your dog or cat can be inhabited by another "tenant" - FLEA. It is a small, brown, wingless parasite (unable to fly), with very strong hind legs, so it can jump from animal to animal. It feeds on the blood of the host, which can cause severe allergic reactions, so the animal's skin can be red and thickened, and full of scabs, as the animal scratches. 

In addition, the flea leaves its feces on the animal's fur in the form of ground pepper, primarily in the sacral part and the root of the tail. Fleas, with their bite, cause discomfort and pain in pets, but they can also be carriers of serious diseases and "occupy" your living space. In order to avoid this scenario, it is important to take effective preventive action.

In the beginning, I said that prevention is very important in order to protect our pets and ourselves. Here, we can help our pets with various preparations that we can find on the market - from various chewable tablets to sprays and ampoules. Likewise, we ourselves can make a natural repellent that will be effective in fighting fleas and ticks.

Here are some tips:



3 drops of geranium essential oil

3 drops of lemongrass essential oil

3 drops of cedar essential oil

In the prepared bottle (ideally a spray bottle) drip the oils of the mentioned plants and add a teaspoon of alcohol.

Close and shake the bottle to bring the ingredients together.

After the mixture turns white, add apple cider vinegar and water and shake again.

When using the product, avoid applying it to the area around the nose, and take special care not to come into contact with the eyes.

2. APPLE VINEGAR is a great flea repellent.

Mix apple cider vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 1 and spray this liquid on your pet's hair. After that, rub the liquid as much as possible on the skin with your hands or a brush.

Repeat every few days, until complete elimination of parasites.

3. GERANIUM OIL is one of the best natural repellents. It successfully repels fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes from pets.

Due to its calming effect, it is also known as an excellent antidepressant, so you can use it in moments when your pet is exposed to stress.


REMEMBER: it is important to remove ticks, as soon as possible, before the host becomes infected!!!

                                    "We take care of our pets as for ourselves."




Little white puppy and little white kitten are sitting next to each other looking happy.Have you ever thought about it, or perhaps witnessed the friendship between a cat and a dog? I know, many of you will immediately say that friendship between a priori "sworn enemies" is impossible. I would probably think so myself that my experience with these wonderful creatures does not say otherwise.

Once upon a time, I had a beautiful cat named Micy, when the dog Medo moved into the neighborhood. It was a small puppy, just a puppy of about 3 months, unlike my teenage cat. Right at the beginning, Micy showed who is the boss and who rules the “disputed” territory, and that everyone must listen to her. She set very authoritatively against little Medo. As soon as he approached her, in a mood probably for play, he would get one educational paw on his snout. Every time his owners would bring food to his cottage, my Micy would chase him out of the cottage and she would eat first. He would have to stand outside and wait, and what was left he would eat.

Little German shepherd puppy is hugging a little kitten with his paws.But in spite of everything, they were actually friends, they would play all day, run through the blossoming gardens and chase other people's cats together - unwanted intruders from the neighborhood. One day, someone left the backyard door open and the puppy Medo rushed out into the road like a fury and ended up under the wheels of a speeding car. There was no salvation for him, the poor dog ended tragically. My Micy searched for him for days around the cottage, around the yard, the blossoming gardens, and orchards. And she was sad, so sad that she fell into depression, and only a few months after the tragic event, she died of grief. There was no longer her Medo, with whom she played so cheerfully and wholeheartedly and whom she loved so much, that in the end, she died because of him. It was a friendship that no one could break.

I believe that even now they are friends in a better and more beautiful place, that they run together through the heavenly fields and meadows, and that they watch us from above and protect us.

                               "We take care of our pets as for ourselves."

Sunday, December 4, 2022



People love their pets – sometimes to the point of making them their family members, says Psychology Today. It’s only natural to shower attention and material gifts on what (or who) you love. As ABC News can confirm, a woman once left her $13 million fortune to her pet cat.

This is all very relevant information if you’re a budding entrepreneur looking for a lucrative niche to target. People love their pets and don’t mind spending on them, meaning demand for pet-related care and products is there. 2022, especially, has extra potential for pet businesses than other years (more on this below). 

Here, World of Cats and Dogs offers some reasons why now is the best time to set up a pet-care business. We also provide suggestions on how to get started.

Now is an Ideal Time for a Pet-Related Business

2022 is an especially promising year to set up a pet-related business. Here’s why: 

The pandemic made people get more pets: 23 million Americans got new pets during the pandemic. Pets, as you know, are therapeutic, offer excellent companionship, and generally make you feel good. All these extra pets have needs that need to be catered to.  

People are spending increasingly more money on pets: Americans spent a staggering $109.6 billion on their pets in 2021, reports PetKeen, and these numbers are only going to climb in the future. To put things into perspective, that works out to anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per household per month.  

The pet industry is booming: The pet industry, needless to say, is doing well. That means you won’t have trouble finding suppliers, skilled help, and similar assistance for doing business. 

Government assistance is available: As you likely know, the government has been offering a lot of financial assistance and other perks to struggling businesses recently. Grants, loans, and other forms of assistance are easier to come by. 

Can’t Wait to Start Your Own Pet-Related Business? Do it Right 

Starting a business isn’t as hard as it seems. Conversely, keeping it going isn’t as easy as it sounds either. Preparation is the key to success.

Figure Out What You Can Do 

First, brainstorm a pet business idea. What can you do? It should, ideally, be something you’re good at, and enjoy doing, and that’s also in demand. You could make a pet product (like a leash or decorative food bowls) or sell a service (dog sitting, grooming, and walking). 

Research the Market 

Whatever ideas you come up with, you must double-check the viability in the market. For instance, the demand for dog walking has gone down in the post-pandemic world, but the demand for dog grooming and care has gone up. Whatever product(s) or service(s) you choose, try to make it future-proof.  

Pet sitting is a growing industry now that more people are traveling. While some want to bring their pets, others worry about leaving their animals at home without company since they’ve been so used to having people at home most of the time. You don’t need any credentials to pet sit, either; however, basic knowledge of and chemistry with pets is definitely a benefit. If you’re not sure how much to charge, search online for pet sitters with similar experiences and use that to base your rates. 

If you are planning a brick-and-mortar location, add location scoping to your market research. It’s important to get a location that is in a high-traffic area that is not overly saturated with pet-related stores or where real estate is overpriced. If possible, choose an area with a high walk score, which means people from the surrounding area can easily walk to many shops and restaurants. Areas like this can bring in lots of natural leads, and you can network with other local businesses in the area to help develop a buy local atmosphere.

Plan It Out

Having a business plan allows you to get organized and set out concrete goals to establish yourself properly in the new field. It covers everything from finance and seed money for operations and business goals. It can also help with marketing – such as setting up a website and advertising on social media. It can take a while to craft a good plan, but it’s a worthwhile use of your time. 

Keep Your Finances in Check

Having a solid budget, setting up an emergency fund, and ensuring a good cash flow are all mission-critical goals. Getting a smooth, potentially-automated invoicing process set up can help in this regard. By sending professional-looking invoices to your clients on time, you can get paid on time, set clear payment terms, invoice on demand, and accept a variety of payment methods. Invoice makers allow you to create templates online conveniently. The best invoice template is a personalized one – something that includes your name, logo, brand colors, and other pertinent information.  


Having a pet-related business can be a wonderful, rewarding, and fulfilling experience. Expect all the usual entrepreneurial challenges along the way. You can check in with sites like World of Cats and Dogs to see what topics are important to pet owners now. You may even be able to promote your new services on these sites. The key is to increase your exposure and be strategic about your business plan. If you plan things out and are persistent, you will eventually set up in creating a lucrative new business for yourself. 

Image via istockphoto

The author of this post is Linda Chase and she holds all the rights to it! She is our guest blogger and she will be posting articles every now and then when she has something new and important to write. Please feel free to comment on our new writer and express your opinion on this blog post.

"We take care of our pets as for ourselves."



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