Monday, December 5, 2022
Have you ever thought about
it, or perhaps witnessed the friendship between a cat and a dog? I know, many
of you will immediately say that friendship between a priori "sworn
enemies" is impossible. I would probably think so myself that my experience
with these wonderful creatures does not say otherwise.
Once upon a time, I had a
beautiful cat named Micy, when the dog Medo moved into the neighborhood. It was
a small puppy, just a puppy of about 3 months, unlike my teenage cat. Right at
the beginning, Micy showed who is the boss and who rules the “disputed”
territory, and that everyone must listen to her. She set very authoritatively
against little Medo. As soon as he approached her, in a mood probably for play,
he would get one educational paw on his snout. Every time his owners would
bring food to his cottage, my Micy would chase him out of the cottage and she
would eat first. He would have to stand outside and wait, and what was left he
would eat.
But in spite of everything,
they were actually friends, they would play all day, run through the blossoming
gardens and chase other people's cats together - unwanted intruders from the
neighborhood. One day, someone left the backyard door open and the puppy Medo
rushed out into the road like a fury and ended up under the wheels of a
speeding car. There was no salvation for him, the poor dog ended tragically. My
Micy searched for him for days around the cottage, around the yard, the
blossoming gardens, and orchards. And she was sad, so sad that she fell into
depression, and only a few months after the tragic event, she died of grief.
There was no longer her Medo, with whom she played so cheerfully and
wholeheartedly and whom she loved so much, that in the end, she died because of
him. It was a friendship that no one could break.
I believe that even now they
are friends in a better and more beautiful place, that they run together
through the heavenly fields and meadows, and that they watch us from above and
protect us.
"We take care of our pets as for ourselves."
In ancient Egyptian mythology, even the accidental killing of a cat was severely punished — mostly by death? Once, a Roman soldier inadvertently ran over an Egyptian cat, for which he paid with his head. Namely, Pharaoh Ptolemy XII had him executed. The data show that in the event of a cat's death, the whole family mourns as if it were a family member, and shaves their eyebrows as a sign of grief.
As ancient Egypt was based on a totem religion, at the heart of the religion was always some animal cult as a spiritual symbol.
Let's remember, CHIHUAHUAS belong to the group VERY SMALL DOGS that was discussed in our video on our Youtube channel Snjezana-Xena M., and the same video was published on our already mentioned blog, so this is also an opportunity to announce a future post of CHIHUAHUA DOGS on our blog.
EDITOR: the proud owner, Mr. Frane Drinkovic is with us and will tell a few words about his PETS and thus bring us closer to this BREED.
Mr. Drinkovic, first of all, tell us, why CHIHUAHUAS, what did motivate you to CHIHUAHUAS as PETS?
FRANE DRINKOVIC: CHIHUAHUAS were actually my wife's choice and everything went in the direction that they are small, cute DOGS, which everyone loves, and since we live in an apartment, they suit us in terms of size. We thought our apartment was more suitable for SMALL DOGS than for bigger ones and that’s why it’s my choice. The wife adores CHIHUAHUAS, so it was a logical choice on her part (laughs).
EDITOR: Chichi came first, then Sherry?
FRANE DRINKOVIC: That's right. Chichi was the first DOG we
took and he is now 9 years old, he is a little older but still lively and
cheerful. By the way, this is the first DOG we had in the family, so it was
a surprise for the children as well, while they got used to it and the
enthusiasm. But it took a lot of effort to explain to them that the DOG
is not a toy and that care should be taken on how to treat it, so as not to
injure it in the game. The wife had more DOGS as a child. I also had a PET
- a CAT
as a child. But as I said Ćići is the first DOG in my current family.
EDITOR: Would you say that CHIHUAHUA DOGS gets along well with
FRANE DRINKOVIC: Honestly, they are notorious for not getting
along well with children. I’d say they’re more attached to the elderly, and the
kids get a little annoyed with them. CHIHUAHUA DOGS have less patience
with children than other DOGS, but since they are part of our
family, they have become accustomed to children and have adapted greatly to us.
That is why I believe that this is the case in other families as well.
EDITOR: We see that your DOGS are very well-groomed. Namely, they have very beautiful and shiny fur, so I guess, how do they use certain SUPPLEMENTS for hair maintenance, as well as those related to their health in general.?
FRANE DRINKOVIC: That's right. We avoid cooked food, and we try
to provide them with a special DIET, tailored just for them. In
addition, it is good to give them some supplements, such as FISH
maintain hair, and the vet also recommended that it is good for their joints.
EDITOR: According to your own experience, can you recommend to
our readers a special brand of DOG FOOD or SUPPLEMENTS just for this
FRANE DRINKOVIĆ: Of course, now I will tell you what we have been using lately. As far as NUTRITION is concerned, we have been using Orien food for the last year. It is a food, which is acceptable by a veterinarian, and biologically suitable for DOGS. We prefer a FISH DIET that contains different types of fish. We are very happy with it and we will stick to it until we see some changes. In addition to such a NUTRITION, as already mentioned, we also use SALMON OIL from the manufacturer Wulf Pack because it contains omega 3 and omega 6 acids, which are essential for the shine and quality of hair, and prevent excessive hair loss.
EDITOR: Speaking of fur maintenance and care, can you tell us how often you bathe them?
FRANE DRINKOVIĆ: On the recommendation of a veterinarian, DOGS should not be bathed often. Only, once a month or every two months, because bathing is often unhealthy for their skin. In winter, it is, perhaps a little more often due to the weather conditions, because their hair gets wet and dirty, and even takes on a strange smell. In principle, they do not sweat, so there is no unpleasant smell of sweat, which should therefore be removed. For washing DOGS, we use SHAMPOO "BIO-GROOM" It also contains REGENERATOR, is natural, does not cause allergies on their skin, and has proven to be very good.
EDITOR: Would you say that Chihuahuas are generally a healthy BREED OF DOGS?
FRANE DRINKOVIĆ: Yes, since we have them, they very rarely fall ill. However, when you already mention this, some health problems can happen here and there. Thus, for example, Ćići (male) recently overcame DOG laryngitis, so he coughed for a while. We visited the vet and he got antibiotic injections. And that is all in these 9 years, as long as we have him, the only disease he had and why we took him to the vet. By the way, as they are VERY LITTLE DOGS, they have a lot of joint problems. Although, this is not the case with ours, since we use oleic acids, which help them a lot.
EDITOR: The younger Drinković-Dominik (13-year-old son) is here with us. He is the main "walker" of his DOGS, so he will tell us some interesting facts from his experience with those DOGS. Dominik, were there any funny incidents with Chichi and Sherry?
DOMINIK DRINKOVIĆ: Just the other day, two or three days ago, I was walking Chichi, a female dog appeared, and he became friends with her. When she went home, Chichi started running after her, because he already missed her. Upon returning home, he lay for 2 hours and did not want to get up from his crib because of grief for her.
EDITOR: Since Chichi and Sherry live in the same apartment and Sherry is a female, are they a couple then?
DOMINIK DRINKOVIC: (Laughter) Yes, you could say that (laughs).
EDITOR: Dominic, can you tell us more about your daily routine for you and your DOGS?
DOMINIK DRINKOVIĆ: When I get up, I go for a walk with Chichi. When we get home, I feed him. Along with food, he also gets SALMON OIL. After that, he goes to sleep a bit, then plays with Sherry. In the afternoon he goes for a walk again for about half an hour, an hour then we go home, so he can relax a little bit in his bed. In the evening he goes for a walk again, but this time with my sister, Lara. They return home, he eats again and goes to sleep. In the morning all over again. And Sherry is my mother's favorite and she takes care of her walks even though Sherry enjoys staying in the house and doesn't care for any walks.
EDITOR: Dominic, I hear you're interested in another BREED OF DOGS, is that correct?
DOMINIK DRINKOVIC: Exactly. I would really like to have a SHIBA INA DOG because it is a SMALL BREED and it is very similar to the JAPANESE AKITA or INU AKITA, which is much, much bigger and belongs to the BIG DOGS.
EDITOR: Your DOGS are sterilized, right?
DOMINIK DRINKOVIĆ: Only Chichi was sterilized 6 or 7 years ago.
EDITOR: Can you explain to us the importance of sterilization?
DOMINIK DRINKOVIĆ: I think Dad will explain it better than me (laughs).
FRANE DRINKOVIĆ: We sterilized the male Chichi, because he and the female Sherry live together, in order to avoid the difficulties at the time of their mating. We didn’t sterilize Sherry because at 4 she still has time to reproduce if we decide to mate her and maybe keep another CHIHUAHUA for ourselves. But these are, just some plans for the future, for now. We are open to a variety of options.
EDITOR: Has Sherry already, perhaps, mated?
FRANE DRINKOVIĆ: No, we have never mated her before. The wife recently spoke with a veterinarian, who suggested that mating should be done at least once, because of their psyche and maternal instinct. There is one interesting thing, and that is that she has her own rubber TOYS, which when the urge to mate comes to her, she probably considers her cubs and doesn't want to go anywhere without them. He treats these toys like her cubs. Therefore, we will definitely consider that option as well.
EDITOR: We will ask Dominic since he is the main "walker" of the DOG, could he imagine life without his PETS?
DOMINIK DRINKOVIĆ: Honestly, I don't know how I would imagine life without my PETS! I have had a Chichi since I was four, and Sherry since I was nine. So for most of my life, they are there. I don't know what my life would be like without them. If something happened to them, I would be very, very sad and unhappy.
EDITOR: So we can say that Ćići and Sherry are your best FOUR-FOOTED FRIENDS?
DOMINIK DRINKOVIC: Yes, we can certainly say that.
EDITOR: Considering that fact, do they then go everywhere with you and on the road, or do you leave them in one of the dog hotels?
DOMINIK DRINKOVIĆ: If we travel somewhere close or somewhere closer to the region, we take DOGS with us with all their accompanying documentation. And if we go on a long journey, we leave them for safekeeping with an already checked lady or in some DOG hotel.
EDITOR: And finally, do you have a message for our readers?
FRANE DRINKOVIĆ: I would definitely recommend PETS to every family. It doesn't have to be a DOG, it can be a CAT or any other PET, because they enrich your life, relieve you of stress, and make you happy.
Thank you for visiting our BLOG !! If you liked this story about the CHIHUAHUAS FROM SPLIT-CROATIA or found it useful, share it with your friends !! If you want to know more about this topic, feel free to contact us in the comments, or contact us by e-mail form at the bottom of every blog post, and we will do our best to give you the right answers.
Dear readers, this was the first story from the "NEIGHBORHOOD PAWS" section. Read us further, and follow us on our YOUTUBE channel (Snježana-Xena M.):
follow us and like at the FB page WORLD OF CATS AND DOGS:
"We take care of our pets as for ourselves."
Did you know that there are different types of aggression in DOGS?
Do you encourage aggression in your DOG, and he accepts it?
Does the DOG listen to you when you try to show him a different way of behaving than the way he normally behaves?
These are the key questions you need to ask yourself to understand how to stop canine aggression.
Keep in mind, that the DOG expresses aggression, to protect his own life or his pack. It has been so since the beginning of time. Your dog thinks he is a pack leader and attacks to protect you and himself.
So if you want to stop your DOG'S aggression, you need to get him to see you as a pack leader in the house. This is the easiest way to convince him that you are the one who makes the decision, and then you can convince him that you are the leader of the pack and outside when you walk with him.
Today, great video sites talk about it and showdown to the smallest detail of becoming a pack leader.
Keep in mind, that DOGS are “pack animals” that follow the pack leader! All of this that we’ve written about here will be shown to you by an ONLINE DOG TRAINER in videos on the following site:
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"We take care of our pets as for ourselves."
We talked earlier about VERY LARGE DOG BREEDS, and the sequel follows. Today I am going to talk about LARGE BREEDS and that story will go on in the series, as it is a very large group of, as many as 88 dog breeds. I am also announcing a video in the series soon. The video will be divided into 4 series. This is the 1st series, which includes a total of 24 dog breeds from this group. Also, I will choose one representative and dedicate this post to him and this time it will be JAPANESE AKITA DOG and I will tell you what you need to know about JAPANESE AKITA DOGS.
- 10. BILLY
- 11. BOXER
This impressive and powerful DOG owes its genetic heritage to Japan.
So when we talk about the AMERICAN AKITA, we can’t help but mention its Japanese roots and its intertwining with the INU-JAPANESE AKITA there mentioned earlier (see the post JAPANESE AKITA). Although the ancestors of today's AKITA were used in Japan to hunt: bears, deer, and wild boar, modern AKITA is now mainly used as a DOG companion, DOG for personal protection (Schutzhund), but also for therapeutic purposes.
All over the world, the AMERICAN AKITA is considered a different BREED OF DOG, except in the USA and Canada, where opinions are that it is only another type of AKITA DOG. The invasion of the AKITA BREED into the United States is largely due to American soldiers, who during World War II found these DOGS in the forests of Japan and brought them to America, and as a result, a new BREED-AMERICAN AKITA was created. Also according to one legend, the Japanese deceived an American soldier to buy an AKITA. This one, in the belief that he was buying a purebred INU AKITA, actually bought a mixed breed. It could have been a cross between an INU AKITA and a GERMAN SHEPHERD or an INU AKITA and an ENGLISH MASTIFF. He was followed by other American soldiers, so AKITA arrived in the United States. These are the so-called AKITAS from the Dewa line, and they are characterized by intelligence and a great ability to adapt to different environments. Due to its imposing appearance, and protective and loyal character, this BREED soon gained great popularity in America, and in 1956. the American AKITA Club was founded. And it wasn’t until October 1972. that the BREED was accepted by the American Kennel Club (AKC).
As a BREED, the AMERICAN AKITA was recognized worldwide in 2006. It is larger and taller (by 2 cm) than its cousin, the JAPANESE AKITA, and its body shape is different. For example, the head of the AMERICAN AKITA is somewhat similar to the head of a polar bear, and the INU AKITA has similarities to a fox. The ears of the AKITA INU are slightly tilted forward, while the AMERICAN AKITA's ears are upright. As I mentioned earlier, these two BREEDS also differ in color. JAPANESE BREED has strictly defined fur colors, AMERICANS can have different colors and combinations, and the most common are: red, brown, white, brindle, and pinto. Also, for the JAPANESE AKITA, you will have to reach deeper into your pocket, as it is generally more expensive than its American cousin.
- They belong to the group BIG DOGS
- Weight: 32-45 kg females, 45-59 kg males
- Height: 61-66 cm females, 66-71 cm males
- Lifespan: 10-15 years
- AMERICAN AKITA is a powerful, imposing DOG of heavy bones and according to all its physical characteristics, it belongs to the group BIG DOGS. The main physical characteristics of this BREED are a large bear-shaped head, upright and triangular ears, dark and small eyes, triangular in shape, curled tail over the top of the back (characteristic of SPITZ), and narrow and compact feet like a CAT. This DOG has a double, thick protective fur with a soft, woolen insulating undercoat, which protects them from extreme weather conditions. The fur can be of standard length or longer. Longer fur (moku) is considered a mistake at exhibitions. According to the BREED standards, all colors and combinations are considered, including all types: black, white, one-color or tiger masks, and even pinto. Different undercoat colors are also allowed.
Not all AKITAS have the same temperament. But what they have in common is the fact that it is an independent and dominant DOGS. Like the AKITA INU, the AMERICAN AKITA is also a very loyal DOG and protective of the owner and his family. According to them, he is extremely affectionate and playful and loves to carry his toys with him wherever he goes. In contrast, it is a suspicious and very cautious DOG, especially towards foreigners, towards whom it can show aggression if it does not start with TRAINING and socialization in time. Experts recommend starting TRAINING, at an early age, at 7 or 8 weeks. On the other hand, a trained AKITA should accept foreigners well.
AMERICAN AKITAS have a rather intolerant attitude towards other DOGS, especially those of the same sex, so caution is needed in situations when they are near other DOGS or animals.
AKITAS are intelligent, cautious, calm, and fearless DOGS. They can be obedient, but also very stubborn and as such are harder to train. It is a BREED that does not tolerate an inexperienced owner, who will not know how to impose his dominance. On the contrary, the AMERICAN AKITA needs a "firm hand", as well as physical and mental activity on the part of the owner, in order to avoid problems with its behavior in the future. However, if you leave him outside for a long time, or do not meet his needs, he can become destructive and aggressive. As a BREED, the AKITA should have a good relationship with children as it reportedly has affinities towards children. It will fit well with older children, but not with small ones, as it can inadvertently injure them in the game. However, I would still be careful and emphasize that this requires very early socialization and TRAINING.
Like her Japanese cousin, the AMERICAN AKITA is very tidy, and after a meal, like a CAT, she will clean her face by licking. In order for their fur to remain soft and shiny, it is necessary to maintain it properly and regularly by BRUSHING and BATHING. During the molting season -2 times a year, these DOGS lose their undercoat, and then they need to BRUSH daily, and sometimes twice a day. Otherwise, it is enough to BRUSH them several times a week. If the fur is properly and regularly cared for, BATHING will be enough every 3-4 months. To prevent your DOG from accumulating tartar and plaque on his teeth, be sure to provide him with TOYS for cleaning his teeth and make sure to brush them. Nails should be cut every month and ears cleaned once a week.
To avoid kidney disease, it is necessary to switch to low-calorie foods around the age of 7 and avoid foods high in fat, due to the possibility of obesity. FOOD must have high nutritional values, ie it must provide sufficient amounts of VITAMINS and MINERALS, especially vitamins A and D, and it must be of good quality. With aging, the amount of food must be adjusted to the possibilities of exercise, in order to prevent obesity. Finally, it should be noted that occasional visits to the vet to control weight progress are extremely important.
Although AKITAS are relatively healthy DOG BREEDS, certain health conditions and problems can still occur. In the veterinary literature, two conditions characteristic of this BREED are mentioned: 1. immune sensitivity to drugs, anesthetics, vaccines, tranquilizers, and insecticides and 2. pseudohyperkalemia-increase in potassium (occurs when drawing blood due to excessive leakage from red blood cells erythrocyte cells, which may show pseudo-false indications of hyperkalemia, hence the name pseudohyperkalemia).
In addition, there is the possibility of autoimmune diseases in the AKITA BREED, such as:
- Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome or Uveo-Dermatological syndrome affects the skin and eyes;
- Autoimmune hemolytic anemia-autoimmune blood disorder;
- Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or lupus — affects any part of the body;
- Pemphigus foliaceus - a genetic autoimmune skin disorder;
- Sebaceous adenitis - an autoimmune skin disorder caused by autosomal recessive inheritance;
- Immune-mediated endocrine diseases;
- Hypoadrenocorticism or Addison's disease - affects the adrenal glands;
- Diabetes mellitus or type I diabetes- affects the pancreas;
- Hypothyroidism (autoimmune hypothyroidism) - affects the thyroid gland;
Certain non-immune conditions can also occur:
- Progressive retinal atrophy;
- Primary glaucoma-increased intraocular pressure;
- Flatulence;
- Microphthalmia ("little eyes");
- Hip dysplasia - affects the hips, and can lead to osteoarthritis and pain;
- Elbow dysplasia — can lead to osteoarthritis and pain;
- Von Willebrands disease - a genetic bleeding disorder caused by a deficiency of Von Willebrand factor;
- Cushing's syndrome (hyperadrenocorticism) - affects the adrenal glands
Thank you for visiting our BLOG!! If you liked this story about the AMERICAN AKITA or found it useful, share it with your friends!! If you want to know more about this topic, feel free to contact us in the comments, or contact us by e-mail form at the bottom of every blog post, and we will do our best to give you the right answers.
Read us further, and follow us on our YOUTUBE channel (Snježana-Xena M.):
follow us and like at the FB page WORLD OF CATS AND DOGS:
"We take care of our pets as for ourselves!"