Tuesday, December 13, 2022



Cats are territorial animals and they mark their territory by scratching, at the same time emitting odors, which also means that the place is theirs. Scratching is instinctive and will not disappear with the fact that the cat lives in a house or apartment, and not outdoors. Therefore, your pet’s favorite scratching object will probably be your furniture. And not just any. Cats love furniture made of plush, tweed, wool, linen, or silk because they can extract fibers from such materials. And besides, such materials are difficult to clean cat hair. Because of that, it is best to choose materials made of microfiber, or even shiny leather. But, as the cat's temper is different, the best solution is to provide your furry pets with scratchers.

Go Pet Club 62-Inch Cat Tree
Go Pet Club 62-Inch Cat Tree

The scratcher should initially be placed in the place where the cat was already scratching. Later, gradually, the scraper can be moved from one end of the room to the other, or you can get more scrapers.

Amazon Basics Cat Condo Tree Tower with Hammock Bed and Scratching Post
Amazon Basics Cat Condo Tree Tower with Hammock Bed and Scratching Post

The scratcher must be strong enough, stable, and high, otherwise, the cat will not want to use it. To encourage her to use it, put her favorite toy on the scratcher, play with your cat next to the scratcher, feed her next to the scratcher, and for each use of the scratcher, reward her with her favorite treat. If your pet continues to "sharpen its claws" on your furniture even with a scraper in the house, protect those parts with aluminum foil or double-sided tape.

Anti-scratch Cat Tape for Furniture - Stop Cat from Scratching Couch,Corners of Chair,Door Frame, Counter Tops and Carpet - Clear Double Sided Tape for Cat Scratching Cat Training Tape 2.5" x 16 Yard
Anti-scratch Cat Tape for Furniture - Stop Cat from Scratching Couch,Corners of Chair,Door Frame, Counter Tops and Carpet - Clear Double Sided Tape for Cat Scratching Cat Training Tape 2.5" x 16 Yard

Keep in mind that, in addition to the claws, the cat also left its scent on a piece of furniture she was scratching. To prevent it from happening again, you need to remove its odor as well, as otherwise it will come back to that part over and over again and scratch it. There are various neutralizing agents to neutralize odors and deter cats, but also those that serve to attract cats to the desired place (scratcher). If the cat is persistent and returns to the "crime scene" again, simply spray it with water or chase it away with a loud whistle to make the cat uncomfortable with the place where it wants to scratch because the cat never does anything that makes it uncomfortable.

QUTOP Cat Scratch Deterrent Training Spray, Cat Repellent Spray for Indoor and Outdoor Use - 175ml
QUTOP Cat Scratch Deterrent Training Spray, Cat Repellent Spray for Indoor and Outdoor Use - 175ml

                                   "We take care of our pets as for ourselves."

Tuesday, December 6, 2022



I recently wrote about the most expensive cat in the world. And now I bring you the TOP 5 for which you will have to set aside a really small fortune if you want to have them and show your status symbol and prestige.

 1. ASHERA CAT ($ 125,000)

Beautiful Ashera cat is sitting on the white blanket in the middle of a green meadow
It is the most expensive cat in the world. Not only is its selling price high, but you will also need to have a hefty wallet to feed it for over 2 decades. The most expensive are those with patterns like the snow leopard (a dizzying $ 125,000), the rest are sold for as little as $ 22,000, and the average price of this breed of cat is $ 28,000. The ASHERA is not a purebred breed, because it was created by crossing: AN AFRICAN SERVAL (like a SAVANNAH cat), an ASIAN LEOPARD (like a BENGAL cat), and a DOMESTIC DOMESTIC CAT. It is the rarest and newest breed of DOMESTIC CATS. It is a tall, graceful cat with large, pointed ears, weighing about 30 lbs, adorned with fur with leopard spots and tiger stripes. The lifespan of this beauty is about 25 years. ASHERA is a cat that loves to climb,  it is friendly, loves children, and it is possible to train her. It likes to stay on a heated blanket during the colder days of the year. If you definitely want to show your status symbol by buying this beauty, keep in mind that you will have to "stand in line" for at least 9 months. So whoever loves, let him, love!

 2. BENGAL CAT ($ 42,000)

Lovely Bengal cat is standing on the picture with a black background and is looking strait forward.
It originated in the 1950s in the USA by crossing an ASIAN LEOPARD CAT (Prionailurus bengalensis) and a DOMESTIC CAT, especially the spotted EGYPTIAN MAU for the purpose of researching feline leukemia. In, physical appearance, the BENGAL CAT is similar to the ASIAN LEOPARD cat, and in character, the DOMESTIC CAT. She is muscular, of an athletic build, of medium size, smaller head, wide, wedge-shaped, rounded, small ears, wide at the base. Her eyes are very wide apart, oval or light almond-shaped with a slight slant. She has muscular legs of medium length with round and large paws, with the hind legs being longer than the front ones. The tail is thick, of medium length, tapering and rounding at the tip. The exotic appearance of this breed is especially contributed by a long, strong, and muscular body and fur that is short to semi-long, shiny and dense, soft to the touch with dotted patterns in the form of a rosette or marbled (marbelle) patterns. The character of this beautiful cat says that it is a very active, agile, energetic, playful, smart, confident, and curious cat. Most Bengalis enjoy playing, chasing, climbing, and exploring. These are rare cats that love water and enjoy playing in the water. In general, Bengalis enjoy the action. They are a sociable breed, and it is very important that they socialize from an early age.

3. SAVANNAH CAT ($ 22,000)

Yellow with black dots and poiny ears Savannah cat is standing on the picture and looking strait forward.
The cat breed SAVANNAH was created by crossing the AFRICAN SERVAL - an African wild cat and a domestic cat. It is a relatively new breed of cat, recognized by the International Cat Association (TICA) in 2012, although it originated much earlier - back in 1986. The SAVANNAH cat is recognizable by its large, pointed ears and golden, silver, or black smoke-colored fur, covered with dotted patterns. Black SAVANNAHS are monochromatic with possible pale spots visible beneath the black. SAVANNAH is a spotted cat, and spots can be: oval, round, or elongated dark brown to black. It has an elongated body with long legs and is almost the same size as any other large domestic cat. Unusual physical features such as a long neck, small, elongated head, darkened eyes, and short, thick tail with black rings also give this breed an exotic look. The eyes have a boomerang shape — brown, gold, or green (except in kittens — whose eyes are blue) color. SAVANNAH is a short-haired cat, and its fur is easy and simple to nurture by weekly combing and brushing, and if necessary, nails can be cut and ears cleaned. SAVANNAH is a confident and active cat, very intelligent and curious, and is always looking for something interesting and adventurous. Like a dog, it can learn to walk on a leash or bring toys. She is very attached to her family and gets along better with people who are willing to play with her. Otherwise, it can become destructive. So give her plenty of play and lots of solid toys. She enjoys interacting with people, children, and other cats, but also friendly affectionate dogs. If you are attracted to cats with a slightly wild character, then SAVANNAH is the right choice for you.

4. SPHYNX CAT ($ 3,000)  

Totally hairless grey Sphynx Cat with green eyes and very big ears is standing in the picture.
Cultivation of this breed in its present form began in Canada in 1966 when a domestic cat gave birth to hairless kittens by a spontaneous genetic mutation. The new breed was named MOONSTONE CAT (CAT OF THE MOONSTONE) and then CANADIAN HAIRLESS. Further crossbreeding creates a new breed called SPHYNX. This breed is recognizable by the fact that it is hairless, ie it has no fur, but it has a layer of fine undercoat. In SPHYNX cats, the lack of a mustache is quite common, and the skin around the muzzle, on the shoulders, and ears, can be wrinkled. The skin is sensitive to the sun, so before sun exposure, it is necessary to apply sunscreen with a high protection factor, because otherwise, burns can occur. Also, they need to be wiped frequently and regularly with damp wipes or some other damp cloth so as not to leave sweat stains on the furniture. Due to their sensitivity to heat and cold, it is best to keep them indoors. It is also necessary to clean their ears often, as they are prone to the accumulation of mucus and dirt. As they do not have fur, it should be borne in mind that these cats can often be cold. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SPHYNX cats are: muscular and round body with strong chest, elongated head with high cheekbones and accentuated chin, very large ears wide at the base, large and slightly slanted eyes, tail like a whip, narrowed towards the top where their is sometimes a tufted hair. The legs are of medium length with oval paws and long, slender toes, and the hind legs are longer than the forelegs. By the way, the SPHYNX CAT is: intelligent, curious and playful, talkative and loud, and very attached to its owner. They get along well with children, dogs, and other cats (preferably with other Sphynx cats). They are not recommended for people who are allergic to cat hair, because, although they do not have fur, they are not anti-allergic.

5. PETERBALD CAT ($ 3,000)

Totally hairless grey Petrebald cat with black eyes, big ears and almost blue color snout is standing at the picture.
This breed is native to Russia-St. Petersburg. It was created in 1994 by an experimental crossing of the SPHYNKS  cat and the ORIENTAL SHORT-HAIRED breed with the hair loss gene. The breed is fast becoming popular throughout St. Petersburg, so this results in the name PETERBALD. There are several variations of her fur: completely hairless, fur-like peach skin, fur-like velvet, as well as their different variants that can change over time. The fur that a cat acquires at birth can change during the first two years of life (with a tendency to lose or gain hair). The characteristics of this breed are, in addition to the above: long and narrow head with a flat profile, large, separated ears, almond-shaped eyes (eye color depends on the color of the fur), wedge-shaped snout, long and strong tail-like a whip, oval paws of medium size connected toes. It is this feature that allows them to open doors and hold on to various objects. Their hind legs are a little longer than their forelegs. The PETERBALD cat is distinct: energetic, smart, and curious, but also affectionate, peaceful, and gentle personality. She is very attached to her owner and will follow in his footsteps wherever he goes, crawl into his bed, or sit on his lap. They are very talkative and get along well with other pets. As they do not have fur, they need to be bathed regularly. This breed does not belong to HYPOALLERGY and is recommended for people prone to allergies.

 If you are wondering which of these MOST EXPENSIVE BREEDS of cats is also the MOST AGGRESSIVE? There are no rules. It is true that some cats are a little harder to tame than others (SAVANNAH, BENGAL, AFRICAN SERVAL, SPHYNX). But they are neither lions, nor jaguars, nor tigers, and they need discipline, proper care, attention, and affection. And with the right education, you can turn a tiger into your "hairy friend".

I'll be writing about MOST AGGRESSIVE CATS in the next sequel of my BLOG about cats and dogs. In the meantime, for more information about cats and dogs, visit my YOUTUBE CHANNEL at:


"We take care of our pets as for ourselves."

VERY SMALL DOGS (up to 4 kg )


VERY SMALL DOGS are one of a total of 5 groups that make up BREEDS OF DOGS. This group consists of all dogs up to 4 kg. 



              "We take care of our pets as for ourselves."



Today I am going to talk about LARGE BREEDS and that story will go on in series, as it is a very large group of, as many as 88 dog breeds. This video is of an educational character dedicated to LARGE DOGS and it is the last video of the LARGE DOGS serial. In this video, I will be talking about LARGE DOGS and I will present all the DOGS and their pictures. After this, I will present to you the SMALL DOGS group of videos. I hope that you will enjoy my presentation.






















"We take care of our pets as for ourselves."


                                                                                WRITTEN BY XENA

Domestic cat called Tea with tiger patern collor of fur and big green eyes is looking towards you.
CATS- these beautiful, mysterious, and cunning creatures, have long been a part of our lives, members of our households, and our families. Keeping CATS as PETS dates back to the distant past, long before Christ. As we know, even the ancient Egyptians had CATS for pets 5000 years ago. Moreover, they gave them divine meaning and power (see ANCIENT EGYPTIAN CATS AND MYTHOLOGY). There are records that the relationship between a CAT and a man dates back to the Stone Age. Either way, we can conclude that the relationship between man and CAT is as old as civilization itself. Besides, ancient Egyptian civilizations and other cultures and peoples worshiped CATS. The Japanese considered the CAT a messenger of peace and a symbol of happiness. Hindus also adored CATS and were expected to take care of at least one CAT during their lifetime. Even the Prophet Muhammad, according to legend, was especially fond of CATS. He reportedly cut off his sleeve on which his PET-CAT Muezza slept, so as not to wake her. And some cultures (present-day Thailand and Myanmar) believed that CATS guarded the souls of specially chosen people.

However, history has not always caressed these wonderful creatures.

Thus, for example, in the Middle Ages some religions, including the Christian one, persecuted and killed CATS. Even during the Renaissance, they were burned at the stake because they were associated with witches and evil forces. It was a "dark age" for CATS. But over time (early 17th century) such worldviews were abandoned, as CATS proved to be indispensable in the fight against rodents, which transmitted the plague, and which ravaged Europe. Thus, CATS became an important factor in human life and part of the living community, and at the end of the 19th century, the first CAT exhibitions were opened. CATS make us happy and relaxed, but sometimes they also make us sad. They give us the harmony of life, and "time spent with CATS is never wasted" - Sigmund Freud would say.

Then why do most people resort to DOGS as PETS? The answer to that question, I don’t know, but I can give you good reasons why you’ll want to have a CAT.

Black and white cat with green eyes called Bella is lying on the floor with her paws under her body.
Their relaxing SPINNING will also affect the relaxation of your body, which will reduce your blood pressure, and thus the possibility of a heart attack. So, CATS will reduce your stress with their gentle SPINNING. Contrary to the opinion, that CATS does not attach to humans and are solitary, a Mexican study that showed that they are more relaxed and willing to explore the environment when their owners are in the room. CATS are sociable by nature and express strong social interactions with other ANIMALS and even some DOGS, although there are loners among them as well. However, CATS are individualists, and it is difficult to impose anything on them. They are the ones who decide where and with whom they will spend their time. CATS are curious and active. They enjoy the game, especially with a ball of wool and toys that resemble their prey (stuffed mice or toys with feathers), because they learn to hunt by playing.

CATS can be said to be intelligent creatures because they have a great ability to remember and learn. This is evidenced by the fact that they quickly discover how to get people to do exactly what they want - for example, they respond to their name when it's time for a meal. The memory serves them some useful information, such as the most comfortable place to sleep, favorite food or toy, and the place where their water bowl or their toilet is located.

Russian blue cat with nice copper colored eyes and very mystic look is on the picture.
CATS that live outdoors know the boundaries of their territory well, they remember the CATS that live there, as well as dangerous DOGS. They can easily “solve” problems by associative memory in a way that compares the new problem to the one already experienced. CATS are nocturnal hunters, and their hyperactivity comes to the fore before evening, and they gather the necessary strength during sleep. On average, they sleep 13-14 hours. They are extremely tidy and maintain their own hygiene by licking their fur. Later, they expel the accumulated balls of hair by vomiting, which is preceded by chewing the grass. CATS are very affectionate animals. They like to cuddle with their owner, but only and only when they decide to. They are real sweets, so the very sight of these shaggy balls will fill your heart with love and warmth. They have a very good sense of time. So they can be a great wake-up alarm and will keep bothering you until you get up on time.

The best reason to keep a CAT as a PET is that it does not require much care. Namely, as they are very independent, they only need a little of your attention in the form of a daily dose of cuddling and playing, and providing basic living needs to be happy. They will also fill you with happiness.

Maybe by reading this text, you are one step closer to getting your CAT. If so, then my advice is, “ADOPT, DO NOT BUY!” This will make you do a good deed and you will be more spiritually fulfilled, and that is then a good prerequisite for healthy living in general.

   "We take care of our pets as for ourselves."



Black and white Alaskan malamute dog with his tongue out is standing in the snow.
The ALASKAN MALAMUTE is considered one of the oldest draft dog breeds. The ALASKAN MALAMUTE is thought to have originated from dogs, which as far back as 2000 years ago followed the migration of tribes from SIBERIA to ALASKA.
It was named after a native INNUIT tribe who called themselves MAHLEMUT and inhabited the highlands of western ALASKA. The MALAMUTE has a thick and coarse and dense outer coat with a greasy and woolly undercoat. The colors range from black and white (wolf) with a lighter belly and a lighter mask, to completely white and completely black, but there are also combinations of reddish-brown and beige with white.
The MALAMUTE is corpulent. This is proved by its weight - from 34.5-38 kilograms. Otherwise, it is a very intelligent, affectionate, loyal, hardy, and very cuddly dog ​​with a pronounced urge to hunt. He quickly bonds with the owner and his family.

Snow white Samoyed dog (Smiling Sammy) with beautiful snout is standing in the snow.
The original name SAMOYED SABAKA originates from WESTERN SIBERIA (Russia) and was named after the SIBERIAN nomadic SAMOYED tribe. It belongs to working dogs, groups of SPITZ of primitive type (pra type). Due to its characteristic facial expression, it is also called SMILING SAMMY. It is a breed of long white, cream, or white with biscuit color markings. The eyes are almond-shaped and the tail is ornate. Their weight ranges from 17-25 kg for females and 20-32.5 kg for males.
It is an extremely “talkative” breed of dog prone to excessive barking but also howling — indicating their close kinship with WOLVES. They are very friendly and sociable dogs, connected to people.

   "We take care of our pets as for ourselves."



The SIBERIAN HUSKY breed was first mentioned by the CHUKCHI people, who are an autochthonous people inhabiting the CHUKCHI Peninsula, the shores of the CHUKCHI and BERING SEAS, and the Arctic Ocean within the former USSR (Siberia).

The CHUKCHI selected the best dogs to get a fast, strong, hardy dog with good orientation, and this is the story of the origin of the SIBERIAN HUSKY breed.
By the way, it is a medium-sized working dog
(males 20-27 kg, females 16-23 kg) from the SPITZ family. The color of the fur ranges from gray-white, black-and-white, to red-and-white. The characteristics of this breed are blue eyes. Although there are some with brown eyes, the real curiosity is BI-COLOR EYES, ie different eye colors, and even the eye can be interspersed with blue and brown shades.
In the early 20th century, the HUSKY was transferred from SIBERIA to ALASKA, where it was used to pull sleds. The race soon spread to the rest of the United States and CANADA, and in the 1950s they reached EUROPE as well.

                               "We take care of our pets as for ourselves."



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Our little sphynx cattery has been breeding healthy, beautiful Hairless kittens for sale for the past 15 years, and the process continues today. We are truly devoted to the welfare of our Sphynx cat for sale genetically perfecting—our goal is to ensure that, our kitten's health and adaptability. The daring nature of Sphynx kittens for sale makes them one-of-a-kind.