Monday, February 24, 2025

Cat Safety Alert: The Hidden Risks of Antifreeze Poisoning

Protect Your Cat from the Sweet Poison of Antifreeze, Expert advice on spotting symptoms, preventing exposure, and protecting your cat

There is a white persian cat with blue eyes in the picture

This picture is the property of the author, and it is made with an AI program


The Lure of a Sweet Poison

The Toxic Cascade

Recognizing the Signs of Poisoning

Emergency Measures for Suspected Poisoning

Veterinary Intervention and Prevention: Keeping Your Cat Safe

A Community Effort


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Vegan Cats: Fact or Myth?

Can cats truly be vegan, or is it just another passing trend? Explore the facts, humorously, about feline diets and why cats are obligate carnivores by nature

A beautiful blue cat sits at a table full of various vegetables and eats them with pleasure                  The picture is the property of the author of this article and it is done with an AI program

Medium members read the full post here.

Written by my wife Xena


Have you heard, have you heard?

My cat ate an entire broccoli today, and yesterday she had a veggie mix!

It’s a miracle like no other!

Yes, yes, and my sheep just ate a whole rooster, feathers, and all!

My cat has officially gone vegan, and from now on, that’s how it’s going to be!

Oh yes, and my sheep has turned carnivorous and will only eat raw meat from now on!

Oh, what the hell is this chaos happening in my yard!

New Trends in Nutrition

Of course, this is all satire, and most of you probably won’t believe it. But some might. Especially considering that we’ve been exposed to various new nutritional trends for some time now, and in recent years, even trends in pet diets.

We’re increasingly being bombarded on social media with posts about “VEGAN CATS,” so much so that it’s becoming a bit tiresome. But can cats actually be vegan and live that way for 15 or more years?

For a cat to be vegan, its diet would have to consist entirely of vegetables and non-animal-based products.

In other words, cats would have to become herbivores. Is that what your feline friend truly wants, and are you putting her health at risk by denying the fact that she is a predator and an obligate carnivore?

It’s as absurd as saying lions are herbivores and graze alongside antelopes — after all, lions are cats too. They may be big, but they’re still cats.

I won’t deny that there might be isolated cases where a cat might nibble on some fruit or vegetables. But it’s a rarity, and they only do it occasionally.

My Personal Experience with “Vegan Cats”

From personal experience, I can say that my cat Neo has done this too.

A beautiful blue cat sits at a table full of various vegetables and eats them with pleasure           The picture is the property of the author of this article and it is done with an AI program

He will eat anything you give him from your hand, and on a few occasions, he has eaten: cabbage, stuffed cabbage rolls, mashed potatoes, pees, beans, and even “Čokolino” (a chocolate-flavored cereal).

But Neo is a glutton, and he only eats this from my or my partner’s hand while we’re sitting at the dinner table.

If we put the same food in his bowl, he wouldn’t touch it. Instead, he would ask for meat, fish, or his favorite canned food and treats.

Some of you may argue that cats eat grass, so they could be vegans or maybe even herbivores. But that’s not the case. Cats eat grass to help them expel hairballs that build up in their system when they groom themselves by licking their fur or paws.

Grass isn’t food for cats. Animal-based proteins are the most important part of their diet. This has been true for the 3,500 years that cats have lived alongside humans, and I believe it will continue to be true unless scientists in some lab create something different.

But at that point, it wouldn’t be a cat anymore — at least, not the kind we know today. It would be some new creature, but that’s not our topic for today.


In my humble opinion, the concept of “VEGAN CATS” is a trendy fad, nothing more than a fabrication by someone who’s clearly bored with life. This trend will likely fade away with time, just like all others.

I also believe that trying to make cats vegan amounts to a form of animal cruelty and abuse by suppressing their natural instincts.

And to you, dear readers, I leave the choice of whether your feline friend will be a “VEGAN” or a “CARNIVORE,” as she has been for thousands of years.

What do you think? Write your opinion in the comments!

If you want to support my work buy me a coffee for $1.


Greetings and until my next article!


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Teica and Beyond

A heartfelt tribute to our beloved 18-year-old cat Teica, who fought bravely like a lioness and filled our lives with unconditional love

There is a very pretty 18 year old cat in this picture called Teica                                                     The picture is the property of the author of this article

Medium members read the full post here.

Written by Xena

In Loving Memory of Our Beloved Cat Teica

This article is dedicated to our 18-year-old cat Tea, called Teica, who will live in our hearts forever, even after she’s no longer with us.

I believe all of us, at least once in our lives, have faced the heartbreaking illness of a family member. The pain, sadness, and helplessness can be overwhelming. And when it comes to a beloved pet, who is also part of the family, the intensity of that sadness and pain doesn’t lessen.

We want to help that helpless creature, or at least ease their suffering a bit, but we often find ourselves powerless. And the thought that the moment of farewell may have come is what hurts the most.

This is exactly what happened with our dear and sweet cat, Teica, who had been saved from the jaws of certain death by veterinarians — and perhaps by the grace of God — six times already.

Now, everyone at the veterinary clinic calls her “The Lioness” because she fights for her life like a lioness and has an excellent reason to. Teica has been pampered and loved all her life — all 18 years of it (which is equivalent to 88 in human years) — and never lacked for anything.

Although she lives with three other cats in the house, and there are three more outside who respect and admire her for being the eldest (cats understand hierarchy well), Teica has always been special. She has shown this since her earliest days.

There is a very pretty 18 year old cat in this picture called Teica                         The picture is the property of the author of this article

She’s always acted atypically for a cat. Honestly, her behavior is more like that of a dog. She’s always been attached to me (and later to my partner) and would follow me everywhere, just like a little puppy.

She craved affection and attention and was happiest when I took her into my lap and petted her. She would then purr loudly, like a small tractor. If anyone in the family got sick and lay in bed, she would stay with them for days, as if trying to absorb all the negative energy and heal her human.

Whenever we came back from a trip, she would sleep with us at night, making sure we held her paw to assure her that we were there and wouldn’t leave her. If we dozed off and let go of her paw, she would start meowing until we held it again — and this would continue for nights on end. Only when she felt reassured that we were truly there, and not leaving her with the “cat-sitter,” would she agree to sleep in her own fluffy bed.

For every bit of love she received, she gave back tenfold. That’s just how Teica has always been — loyal, devoted to our family, and filled with unconditional love for her humans.

Then, one day, just shy of 18 years, she fell ill. She can no longer see or hear, her teeth and back legs don’t work as they should, and the vets say that in addition to neurological issues, her kidneys, heart, and lungs are slowly failing.

There is a very pretty 18 year old cat in this picture called Teica                                 The picture is the property of the author of this article

According to them, surgery is out of the question. Due to her age and her fragile body, weakened by illness, she would likely pass away on the operating table.

So now, she only receives medication to help maintain some quality of life. With their help, she walks, eats, uses the litter box, and seeks out cuddles. She doesn’t feel pain, nor is she suffering.

How long will this last? I don’t know. All I know is that we must help her and repay her for all the love she’s given us over the years.

We pray to God to keep her with us as long as possible, without pain or suffering. And Teica has a powerful reason to live — our endless, unconditional love, which she feels deeply and which keeps her going. She will live in our hearts forever, as long as we are here.


If you want to support my work buy me a coffee for $1.



Greetings and until my next article!




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